Subiect: vand Ancistrusi

3-5 cm, 5 RON/buc.


Se pot livra numai dimineata in jurul orei 7.30, zona BILLA - DRUMUL TABEREI.

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Nu stiu ce tip de Ancistrusi sunt dar ii puteti vedea in cele 2 foto

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi


"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi


"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Reducere : 40 RON - 10 Indivizi  :fok

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20

Re: vand Ancistrusi

Ti-am trimis doua SMS-uri...


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Varietatea "albino" are ochi rosii. smile

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20

8 Editat de razvan_tazu (2014-09-24 01:31)

Re: vand Ancistrusi

Asta stie probabil orice novice, pozele tale sunt neclare si nu se observa exact ce strain sunt ai tai... ancistrusi albinosi, ancistrusi sp. 4 sau ancistrusi L144?
O poza cu parintii ar fi elocventa...daca sunt ceea ce caut eu sunt ca si vanduti...in cazul in care asta urmaresti evident..


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Foto cu mama, tata si fratii lor mai mari.

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Un frate mai mare

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi

Alti 2 frati

"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20


Re: vand Ancistrusi


"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20

Re: vand Ancistrusi

Pe mine ma interesau cei albi...


Re: vand Ancistrusi


"Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, ..." GENESIS 1.20

Re: vand Ancistrusi

Acuma m-am lamurit, multumesc, sunt cirrhosus albinosi, in primele poze postate pareau a avea ochii negri.

Spor la vanzare.