(12 raspunsuri, adaugat in Incepatori (apa sarata))

A reef aquarium need intense lighting, turbulent water movement, and more stable water chemistry than fish-only marine aquaria, as well as careful consideration which is given to reef animals that are compatible with each other.


(4 raspunsuri, adaugat in Reproducere pesti (apa dulce))

The Endler are good choice for tank. These are quite peaceful for tank. But some female endler can be dangerous for other fish as they are biger than male Endler.


(8 raspunsuri, adaugat in Incepatori (apa sarata))

Living stone has lot of importance in aquarium but it require 400 litres of water capacity, which can be provided in larger tank. It is not a attractive and good looking as compare to many other colorful fish.


(2 raspunsuri, adaugat in Incepatori (apa sarata))

Fir the aquarium tank filter, the EF series provide valuable filters in its 800, 1200 and 1800 series. These external filters avoid the need for unsightly equipment wish is visible in the aquarium to spoil its look.

The salt water aquarium making is very good and interesting job. The salt water aquarium is easy as compare to fresh water aquarium. The main step in this job is to place the sunken ships, rocks, plants and other fish shelters into the aquarium, before placing the fish. The setting of heater is also necessary. The final step is to place the fish in the tank.


(2 raspunsuri, adaugat in Sa facem cunostinta!)

Hi all the members.
I am going to start the aquarium keeping with the tank size of 29 gallon. I need some experienced advice on the tank issues and some guidelines regarding this.
I am looking for this shape whether it is good for me http://www.petsolutions.com/ImageHandler.ashx?Path=/images/Products/97936015.jpg&Width=325